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I receive an error after clicking to complete my EFT payment!

We occasionally experience delays in payment due to delays imposed by certain banks and their clearing times. Normally EFTs between accounts at the same bank clear instantly, but it is not always the case and is unfortunately out of our control.

Please just send us your proof of payment from your Internet Banking and we will manually complete the payment for you. You can email or fax this to us.

How do I retrieve my proof of payment

Further information on this issue

We really do apologise for this issue which occurs infrequently and indiscriminately, affecting only selected Standard Bank customers and occurs more prevalently around month-end (between 20th and 3rd of the month). This problem does not occur with any consistency with any other bank. We have consulted with the bank in this regard and have tried various options in an attempt to alleviate it, but sadly, nothing has served to eliminate this intermittent occurrence entirely. 

We continue to seek solutions in this regard but until then we'll be as quick as possible with manually completing your transaction based on your proof of payment and thank you for your understanding in this regard.

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