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How do I cancel my account?

While we'd be very sad to see you go, we will gladly cancel your account at your request.

To do this, please just send an email to stating that you wish to cancel your account and the email address for your account (if not the email address from which you are sending the email). We will provide email confirmation of this cancellation once it has been completed.

We'd appreciate it if you would let us know why you wish to cancel your account, but we do not require it.

If you've experienced a problem which is why you want to cancel your account, please afford us the opportunity to try and fix the problem first! We'd love to keep you as a happy client.

Please note that as an online buyer, if we cancel your account, you will no longer be able to make payments at any of the thousands of sellers who use PayFast and for security reasons, any credit cards linked to your account will no longer be able to be used on PayFast.

As an online seller, if we cancel your account, you will no longer be able to receive payments through PayFast.

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