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How do I change the card that is linked to a subscription?

To change the card that is linked to a subscription follow the below steps:

  1. Log into your PayFast account
  2. Navigate to the Transactions tab and click on "Subscriptions" or "Ad-Hoc Agreements"
  3. Under the appropriate tab, find the subscription that you want to edit the card on
  4. Under "Actions" click on the "card" icon to edit the card
  5. Select the card you would like to change the subscription to, or if you want to add a new card click on the "New Card" option. If you add a new card you will then need to repeat steps 2-4.

*NB Please note that when you change the card linked to the subscription you will be redirected to the 3D secure page to verify your card with an amount of R 0.

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