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What can I view under my subscriptions?

Buyer perspective

A customer will be able to view a history of their subscriptions and can change the linked card, or cancel a subscription.

Under the "Subscriptions" tab the customer can view the following:

  • Merchant - The merchant that the subscription is with
  • Item name  - The name associated with the subscription
  • Frequency - The frequency set on that specific subscription
  • Amount - The amount that is debited each cycle of the subscription
  • Linked card - The last four digits of the card that is linked to the subscription
  • Next payment - The date that the next payment will be debited
  • Final payment - The date that the last payment will be debited
  • Created - The date that the subscription was created
  • Status - The current status of the subscription (Active, Cancelled or Paused)
  • Actions - Actions that can be taken on the subscription (Change the linked card, cancel or  view the subscription)

For more information on how to change a linked card to a subscription click here.

For more information on how to cancel a subscription as a buyer click here.

Merchant perspective

A merchant will be able to view a history of their subscriptions, cancel, pause, edit and view subscriptions.

Under the "Subscriptions" tab the merchant can view the following:

  • Payment ID - The payment ID that is associated with the subscription
  • Buyers name - The name of the buyer associated with the subscription
  • Frequency - The frequency set for that specific subscription
  • Payments - The amount of cycles that have run over the amount of cycles remaining on the subscription
  • Amount - The amount that is debited each cycle of the subscription
  • Next payment - The date that the next payment will be debited
  • Final payment - The date that the last payment will be debited
  • Created - The date that the subscription was created
  • Status - The current status of the subscription (Active, Cancelled or Paused)
  • Actions - Actions that can be taken on the subscription (Cancel, pause, edit or view the subscription)

For more information on how to cancel a subscription as a buyer click here.

For more information on how to pause a subscription click here.

For more information on how to edit a subscription click here.

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